jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010


I have a brother, Darwin, who left Dominican Republic to go to the States to live. There he met a beautiful Cuban-American lady, Ashley, and they fell in love, they got married, and had baby Darwin. Since family is very important, they came two years ago to visit Darwin's family and show the baby, and for Ashley's family to also visit beautiful Dominican Republic. 

That's when our story begings. Jacob is Ashley's brother and, as I said, Im Darwin's sister. We stood in the family haha. I got to be honest, since first moment I saw Jacob I was drooling. He was everything I wanted, physically: White and Black hair. Then, in a dinner party, Jacob's and Ashley's mom, Grecy, and I were in the kitchen. We started talking and then she mentioned "Jacob plays the sax and the drums, he's really into music, Jazz spefically". She also said "he really likes to cook" and that's when I was amazed. He really is what Ive always wanted! Plus, being with the brother of the wife of my brother It's all a fantasy.

Two years passed and we never talked again, until January 2010, when he added me on Facebook. From that moment on it was all talking and msn, and skype, and just incredible. I mean, he finally noticed me! I was always On; messenger on the computer, messenger on the BlackBerry, Facebook, skype, eeeeeverything. I had a ringtone specially for him on every application. Msn on the computer, different sound as anyone. He got on messenger and I was on my Black Berry, the phone would let me know. Everything, I didnt want to miss when he got on. I couldnt stop thinking about him. I liked him so much.


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